
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:27 Hours


Creating a yet another milestone in the esteemed history of the Regiment, Sri Lanka National Guard celebrated its 26th anniversary on the day of 01st November 2016. To mark the event, a spectacular guard of honour comprising 27 Officers and 627 Other Ranks representing all 25 SLNG Battalions was accorded in honour of the Colonel of the Regiment Maj Gen A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc at the Maligapitiya Grounds, Kurunegala.\r\nA Tea was hosted at the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess graced by the Colonel of the Regiment and Senior Officers of the Regiment coinciding with the anniversary. An All Ranks Lunch attended by service personnel from all SLNG battalions was also lined up in the day’s events.\r\nIn his address to all ranks, the Colonel of the Regiment stressed on the value of maintaining military discipline and achieving high standard of professionalism at all levels which will enable troops to best serve the interests of the Regiment and the Army as well, upholding their acclaimed image.\r\nIn late afternoon, floral tributes were offered in respectful remembrance of the fallen war heroes at the War Heroes’ Memorial Monument. \r\nThe wreath laying ceremony was held amidst all-religious observances under the auspices of the Colonel of the Regiment Maj Gen A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc and the event was attended by Centre Commandant, Regimental Staff Officers, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers, parents of fallen warriors and family members of serving SLNG personnel. \r\n