
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:24 Hours

Commemorate Esala with Elaborate Arrangements on 31 July 2015.

Troops of the Sri Lanka Army National Guard (SLNG) contributed to the commemoration of Esala poya organizing a separately reserved Esala Zone \"Athugal Purayai Daham Amawai\" during 31 July- 2 August at the Maligapitiya grounds, Kurunagala. The Esala zone comprised of a pandol, free eating houses (Dansel), displays of colourful lanterns prepared by SLNG troops. This Esala Zone was organized on the directives of Major General Udaya Perera, Colonel of the Regiment, SLNG.A large gathering of officers, other ranks and civilian witnessed the Esala Zone.