
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:27 Hours


The Inter Battalion Athletics Meet of SLNG got underway on 23,24 and 25 at public grounds, Anuradhapura. All the proceedings of the competition proceeded smoothly under the guidance of Colonel of the Regiment, Major General A P De Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc and the events concluded on 25 May 2017. The closing ceremony saw the Colonel of the Regiment gracing the occasion as the chief guest flanked by Regimental council members, Regimental Officers and large number of Other Ranks’. Adding colour to the event, a charismatic display had been organized in combination of SLNG Western Band and Regimental Western Bands of Engineer Services and Commandos. A spectacular Karate display by Regimental Karate Team along with a ceremonial parade by sport persons too had been included in the event list. The Overall championship of the competition was clinched by 5 SLNG whilst 20 SLNG which was placed 11th in 2013, could elevate its place to 2nd. However, 4 SLNG which secured 2nd Place in 2013, had to content with 3rd place. A fresh regimental record was placed by S/Q105048 Private Guruge APGDKK by maintaining a height by 1.97m in high jump in 2017, in breaking the record secured by S/4Q01691 Lance Corporal Gunarathna NGO by keeping a height of 1.9m since 2003. Accordingly, Private Guruge APGDKK was crowned as the best athletic in SLNG Inter-Battalion Athletics Championships – 2017.