
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:29 Hours

SLNG Ladies Visit Kamburupitiya ‘Abimansala’ Inmates with Gifts

Members of the Sri Lanka National Guard Seva Vanitha Unit (SLNG-SVU) recently visited the ‘Abimansala’, Kamburupitiya under the guidance of Mrs Ruvini Sujeewa Wickramaratne, Chairperson, SLNG- SVU on 28th November 2017. During the visit, the 46 inmates in the ‘Abimansala’ were entertained to a delicious lunch and presented with gift parcels, amid music, provided by a Regimental three piece band. A donation comprising 20 floor mats and 50 table mats and 46 gift parcels each worth Rs. 1,500.00 were also awarded to the ‘Abimansala’ for the use of inmates. Centre Commandant, Brigadier DHMWB Tammita, Several senior members of the SLNG-SVU and a few officers attended the day’s event.