
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

25th February 2018 14:23:09 Hours


The CO's conference of SLNG successfully concluded on 3 June 2017 at the auditorium, Regimental Centre - Sri Lanka National Guard, presided by the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General A P De Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc. SLNG CO’s conference is held semi annually as directed by Colonel of the Regiment, aiming to streamlining functioning of under command battalions.

Proactive plans were devised at the forum to uplift the regiment’s employment in the present era on a par with changing trends in defence landscape. Concern was paid at the utilization of latest technology advancements for the benefit of the regiment’s progressive development.

Adding more value to the event, two important guest lecturers were conducted which were attended by officers of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, apart from SLNG officers. A resourceful lecture on compilation of Career Progressive Plan’s and Annual Confidential Reports was conducted by Staff Officer I (Career Progression and Planning) of Military Secretary’s Branch, Lieutenant Colonel B G S Fernando USP psc SLA, followed by a lecture on “ Improving Efficiency of Procurement Procedure and Regimental Accounting Practices’ by Captain K M Y R Wickramasinghe SLAGSC, the Accounts Officer of General Staff Branch – Army Headquarters. Colonel of the Regiment too contributed during the lectures making them more productive.