
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:27 Hours

New Colonel of the Regiment of SLNG assumes duties.

Major Genaral A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc assumed duties as the Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka National Guard at the auspicious time on 13 October 2016 amidst religious observances during a brief ceremony. Afterward, Major General Piyal Wickramaratne planted a tree sapling in the Regimental Headquarters premises as a token of memory of his assumption of office as 13th Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka National Guard.\r\n\r\nOn 13 October 2016, in accordance with military traditions, Major General Piyal Wickramaratne reviewed the Guard Turnout at the main entrance of the Regimental Centre and received the salute of the Parade, presented by troops of Sri Lanka National Guard at Maligapitiya Ground - Kurunegala.\r\n\r\nThe day\'s events also textured with the commemoration of war heroes, posed a group photograph with all officers and taking part in an all-rank tea party. Subsequently, The new Colonel of the Regiment, addressed all ranks at the Cpl\'s club mentioning his pleasure to be the Colonel of the Regiment of SLNG.\r\n\r\nLater on he addressed all officers participated and WOs & senior NCOs separately at the conference hall stressing the importance of team work. Senior council members, officers and other ranks of the Regiment were presented to greet the Colonel of the Regiment.