
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

01st March 2018 13:41:07 Hours


The Annual General meeting of SLNG SevaVanitha Branch Was held on 18 October 2017 chaired by Hon. Chairman SVB - SLNG Mrs. RuviniSujeewa Wickramaratne,under the guidance of Colonel of the Regiment, Maj Gen AP de Z wickramaratne RWP ndu psc, at the auditorium of Guardians Facility Complex, Heraliyawalawatte.

SLNG SVB could launch a number of welfare activities over the recentpast under the leadership of its visionary head successfully. SevaVanitha welfare actives were decentralized province- wise, so that service for the betterment of SLNG member families could be efficiently carried out.Accordingly, SVB membersrepresenting Galle district organizedwelfare measures this turn.

30 Students who had performed well at Grade 5 Scholarship Exam in year 2017 were given away with gifts and school requirements and S.P. Dewmini Jayarathna the daughter of S/19Q00710 WO IIJayarathna SP - 26 SLNG who scored 195 marks placing 1stin Rathnapura district and 4th in all island was awarded a financial grant amounting to Rs.50,000.00. A ‘SINGER‘ computer was gifted to SupipiSachinthaUdarithe daughter of S/14Q00583 L/Cpl Tharanga Kumara UP who laid his life in the tedious march to win over freedom to the country in recognition of her remarkable performance at A/L Exam 2016.

Spectacles were donated to 25 in service officers and ORS whilst a wheelchair was granted to the Step Father of Regimental QM Capt SP Sarathchandra SLNGsuffering a disability.

It was special to note that 04 newlyconstructed houses were symbolically handed over to recipients by the SevaVanitha Branch.

The event was attended by a large number of Seva Vanitha members and a number of timely decisions were reached at in view of future Regimental upliftment supported by the Seva Vanitha Contribution.