
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

23rd January 2018 14:47:29 Hours


Colonel of the Regiment, Maj Gen A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc paid visits to SLNG battalions located in SFHQ (J) AOR, on 26 and 27 November 2017. SLNG could accomplish a number of stark developments during the tenure incumbent Colonel of the Regiment with his for-sighted leadership and these visits were a precursor to look into the requirements of SLNG Bns located in Jaffna. Accordingly, Colonel of the Regiment visited 4 SLNG(The bn is under bn trg at BTS 61 DIV - Pompemadu), 15,20,22 and 26 SLNG battalions and responded constructively to resolve issues , prevalent in battalions . Colonel of the Regiment was warmly received at all the battalions with according a guard of honor. Tree saplings were planted to mark his visits and Commanding Officers brought the battalions to the notice of Colonel of the Regiment all of which were proactively addressed. Maj Gen Piyal Wickramaratne , in his troop addresses, underscored the quintessential value of adhering to unified approaches by all in view of resolving issues confronted with. He mirrored the image of a dedicated leader with his unbeaten courage, which brought him to visit the under command bns even with a very busy schedules of work as a busiest appointment holder in AHQ. During the visits, a number of openings were arranged by the bns to keep the memory of the visit of their dedicated leader.26 SLNG- opening of the newly constructed Officers Mess,20 SLNG - a Hall of Fame for the fallen heroes of the bn and a Library & 22 SLNG the NCOs club. The Colonel Coord (Vol) SFHQ (J), Col SB Kohona was the chief coordinator of the visit and made the events success with smooth functioning. Deputy Centre Comdt, Cololel Nalin Bandaranayake, GSO I,SO I (LOG) and several Staff Officers were accompanied with Col of the Regt in the visits.