
Sri Lanka National Guard

Country Before Self

01st March 2018 23:14:34 Hours


Fulfilling a long-term need in the Regimental Centre SLNG, a new parade ground was endowed for the ownership of Guardians on 17 November 2017.

On the far-sighted guidance of Colonel of the Regiment, Major General A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc, the parade ground was constructed utilizing funds reserved from the Army with the indelible toil and commitment of all Guardians.

SLNG grabbed the Army drill title thrice and was placed second and third in many occasions. Specially, SLNG won the overall Drill Title in 2016 in absence of a proper ground for drill practice.

Thus, declaring open of new parade ground by the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Piyal Wickramaratne marked a golden milestone in the Regimental history.

Concurrent with the opening of the parade ground, a spectacular band display was performed by a collective of SLNG Brazz Band, SLEME Band, SLCMP Band and VIR Band. This was followed by a charismatic solo display by SLNG drill team.

This event was graced by Colonel of the Regiment, Major General A P de Z Wickramaratne RWP ndu psc and President SVB- SLNG Mrs. Ruvini Sujeewa Wickramaratne. Further, it was attended by Maj Gen H D W Kariyawasam(Retd), Former Centre Commandant Brig J V Siriwardane(Retd), Centre Commandant- Brig D H M W B Thammita, Regimental Council Members, Staff Officers and large number of Officers and Other Ranks.