
Sri Lanka Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers

Skill To Battle

23rd January 2018 14:56:59 Hours

SLEME procedure book launching

Directorate of EME published Systems and Procedures in SLEME on 01st January 1990. It had been referred as the pamphlet for the Procedure of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. It is observed that there is a necessity of publishing a new pamphlet for describing the procedure of EME to meet the present and future requirements.

This pamphlet contains instructions for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers which includes the following chapters. Chapter One - Overview.. Chapter Two - Role, Comd and Control.c. Chapter Three - The Repair System d. Chapter Four - SLEME Procedures.e. Chapter Five - SLEME Technical Process.f. Chapter Six - Recovery.g. Chapter Seven - Maintenance Management h. Chapter Eight - SLEME Administration and Financial Management. Details of personnel, vehicles and equipment are given in the above chapters are based on the approved current establishment at the time of writing and these are subjected to charge or alterations. There will be new editions of this pamphlet with the ongoing changes of procedures, in order to provide an accurate information to the reader. The pamphlet was established with the blessings of Regtl Council and all Comdts/Cos under the guidelines of Colonel Commandant and Director EME. Those who have contributed to compile and publish this pamphlet are greatly appreciated.