
Sri Lanka Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers

Skill To Battle

22nd May 2023 21:30:49 Hours

SLEME Officers’ Training Day

SLEME Officers’ Training Day

SLEME Officer training day which is held once in quarter was successfully conducted at Regimental Headquarters premises on 22.05.2023 (Tuesday) with the participation of more than 70 number of Senior officers, Officers of all battalions and Base workshops.

In the morning, Officers participated in a physical training session and sword drill training, and then all Officers involved in the guest lecture on the 'Latest Discoveries in Automotive Technology' by Mr. Priyantha Munasinghe, who is the Head of the Automotive Engineering Department of Automobile Engineering Ttraining Institute, Orugudawatta.

After the Lunch, Mr. Madhura Wijesinghe, The Service Engineer of DIMO Lanka Institute, conducted a lecture on 'The latest technology to control the emission by vehicles' to inform the Officers who were participated in the workshop.

Afterwards, Prof. Prathibha Mahanamahewa, conducted a very informative lecture in the Diners Club, which was held in the evening at Regimental Officers’ mess. The Commander Army Logistics Comd and Col Comdt of Corps of Sri lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Major General SPAIMB Samarakoon hdmc Lsc, The Director General Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Maj Gen JARSK Jayasekara USP Psc, The Center Comdt RHQ SLEME Brigadier SANJ Ariyasena, The Deputy Centre Comdt Col PDLAC Sirisena RSP and other Senior Officers, Officers were participated for this event.