
Sri Lanka Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers

Skill To Battle

23rd December 2023 09:27:05 Hours

Officers’ families get together 2023

Officers’ families get together 2023

The Officers' Family Get Together-2023 of the Corps of Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers was a remarkable celebration organized in line with the 74th anniversary of the regiment. The event, held at the Regimental Officers' Mess, unfolded in grand style with the distinguished presence of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Corps of EME, Major General SPAIMB Samaraoon Hdmc Lsc and the President of SLEME Seva Vanitha Branch, Mrs. Nandanee Samarakoon.

The evening was filled with a lot of entertainment sessions, featuring dancing competitions, table draws, exciting raffle draws, and a variety of games and competitions tailored for family members. The musical entertainment experience added a harmonious touch to the festivities. More than 400 of gathering of senior officers, retired senior officers, Officers and their families participated for this grand event.