
Sri Lanka Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers

Skill To Battle

14th October 2022 08:43:26 Hours

Major General Ranjan Jayasekara Felicitated after Promotion

Major General Ranjan Jayasekara Felicitated after Promotion

Troops of Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers upon arrival of their newly-promoted Director General Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Major General Ranjan Jayasekara after receipt of new insignia from the Army Chief at the AHQ premises presented honours and greeted him in accordance with military traditions on Thursday (13 Oct).

Troops of the Corps of EME presented a Guard Turnout salute at the entrance and a Guard of Honour afterwards during formalities.

Major General Ranjan Jayasekara joined for the tea and later on addressed EME troops to mark the end of the day’s proceedings.

Centre Commandant of Corps of EME, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers, Officers and Other Ranks attended the felicitation ceremony.