
Sri Lanka Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers

Skill To Battle

10th October 2018 10:33:42 Hours



As a part of the officers training day, a Diners’ Club is conducted for the student officers in order to enhance their military professionalism. Program of the event as follow.
S/N Event Time
1 Arrival of the Guest Speaker 1900 hrs
2 Pre Session Gathering (Session one) 1900 - 1930 hrs
3 Guest Speaker talk on personal motivation 1930 - 2100 hrs
4 Interactive Session 2100 - 2130 hrs
5 Vote of Thanks 2130 - 2140 hrs
6 Pre - Dinner Gathering (Session Two) 2140 - 2200 hrs
7 Dinner 2200 - 2245 hrs
8 Dispersal 2245 hrs