Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

11th October 2023 07:37:58 Hours


The Seva Vanitha Branch of SLAGSC organized a programme in celebration of Children's Day at St. Michael Vidyalaya on 06 th October 2023. Under the guidance of Dr. Nimali Niyangoda, the President of SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch, along with other officers from the SLGAC unit and in collaboration with the Centennial Lions Club Colombo and other sponsors, this event was successfully executed. The programme featured the following activities:

1. Distribution of stationery items to school children.

2. Provision of educational aids to the school.

3. Magic exhibition.

4. Musical program featuring dance events.

5. Lecture on inspiration and mental development.

All participants were generously treated to food and beverages. Members of the SLAGC Seva Vanitha Branch actively took part in this event.