Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

30th June 2018 09:32:59 Hours


The SLAGSC officers Training day for the 2nd quarter of 2018 was conducted at RHQ SLAGSC, Panagoda on 22 June 2018. Training programme for the day commenced with Physical Training parade at 0600 hrs with the participation of Colonel Commandant, council members, senior officers and approximately about 150 x officers including Legal, Accounts, Agriculture and other professional category officers of SLAGSC.

Sword drill lessons were conducted for officers in the rank of Captain & below while others attended a presentation conducted by Directorate of Army Benevolent Fund highlighting the benefits and procedure to be adopted to obtain services from the Fund.

Subsequently Maj Gen Sanath Perera Lsc delivered a lecture on "Management Practice within the Army". It was followed by a educating session by Brig Leslei Wijesundara RSP regarding the instructions letters released by Comd of the Army in respect of Civil - Military relations including other administrative instructions / Policy letters issued by Army HQ.

The 2nd session from 1400 hrs onwards was dedicated to a presentation by the officers of 2nd Sri Lanka Army General Services Corps (Volunteer) under the theme "Role of Sri Lanka Armed Force in Disaster Management". Colonel Commandant and council members contributed with their comments after the conclusion and Q & A session of the presentation. The final lecture of the trg day was conducted by Maj Nimal Wimalaweera SLAGSC under the topic "Present World Geopolitical situation and it's affects to South Asia and Sri Lanka".

The days proceedings concluded after recreational training was held in the evening. Centre Commandant and the staff of RHQ SLAGSC was instrumental in organizing and conduct of the training day.