Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

29th April 2018 09:15:27 Hours


Regimental Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps celebrated her 29th Anniversary on 25 April 2018. The days proceedings commenced with a ceremonial guard turn out to Colonel Commandant Maj Gen W R Palihakkara USP at the entrance to the RHQ. Later the troops on parade commanded by Lt Col N A S C Perera SLAGSC saluted the Colonel Commandant amidst a large gathering of senior officers, officers and Other Ranks at the Regimental parade square. The parade was reviewed by Colonel Commandant and Centre Commandant Col W A A C P Weragoda USP accompanied him.

During his address Colonel Commandant appreciated the services rendered by past Colonel Commandants, retired officers and Other Ranks of the Regiment. He stressed the importance of maintaining discipline and taking part in training schedules planned by the Regiment and Units. Colonel Commandant thanks the Commander of the Army for allocating necessary funds to the Regiments for infrastructure development.

The Regimental Rugby, Basketball, Kabaddi, Volleyball teams received a special thank you (Men & Woman) from the Colonel Commandant bringing glory to the Regiment.

Colonel Commandant paid tribute 05 x offrs, 78 x Other Ranks who made the supreme sacrifice during his speech. Soon after the parade a wreath laying ceremony at the Regimental monument for war heroes was conducted with attention of Colonel Commandant, all officers and Other Ranks.

Afterwards the All ranks tea party took place at the Regimental Auditorium which was followed by fun games organized for members of the Regiment in the play ground. Men and Woman took keen interest to take part in various games conducted to improve interaction and unity among them. The games included pillow-fighting, pot cracking, barrier races, eye placing on the elephant, musical chair, balloon dance, Tug-of-war ect...

The Army beet group provided music to add glamour and colour to the events. The winners received prized form Colonel Commandant and council members. The proceeding were concluded with a all ranks lunch at the newly refurbished and air conditioned Other Ranks Mess with Colonel Commandant, Council members, Commanding Officers and other officers.