Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

18th June 2019 11:44:38 Hours


SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch hosted a donation programme on the directions given by Maj Gen W R Palihakkara VSV USP, the Col Comdt, SLAGSC and Mrs Kamani Palihakkara the President, Seva Vanitha Branch, SLAGSC. The donation programme was organized by the Regimental Staff Officers for the children of 108 soldiers of SLAGSC who have immensely contributed to construct recently inaugurated RHQ premises and other constructions to the Regiment. Donations were given accordingly to the age category of the children to uplift and support their educational requirement.

Acting Deputy Chief of Staff, AHQ and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps, Major General W R Palihakkara VSV USP and the President SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch Mrs. Kamani Palihakkara graced the occasion as the Chief Guests. Regimental Council Members, the Centre Commandant, Commanding Officers of respective battalions, Senior Members of the SVB, Senior Officers, Other Ranks of the construction team of SLAGSC and school children attended to the event.