Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

14th December 2018 14:28:37 Hours


Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC), on Friday 07 December 2018 at the Regimental Headquarters, Panagoda recalled the vivid memories of their fallen War Heroes with dignity and honour, during a Ranaviru Commemoration Ceremony organized to coincide with the 67th Anniversary of the Regiment.

The days programme commenced soon after the arrival of the Chief Guest, Colonel Commandant SLAGSC and DGFM, AHQ Major General Wajira Palihakkara USP for the ceremony. On arrival at the venue, the Colonel Commandant was received by Brigadier Chanaka Weragoda USP, Centre Commandant, SLAGSC.

At the commencement of the ceremony, the National Anthem, Army Song and Regimental Song rent the air, adding grandeur and patriotic sentiments to the occasion. The next moment in the itinerary was solemn and dignified since memories would never fade, as they say. All gathered at the occasion rose to their feet and revered the memory of fallen War Heroes during a two minute silence.

The commemoration ceremony, dignified by the presence of the senior officers of the regiment reached its climax and solemnity as the Colonel Commandant accompanied by the Centre Commandant, honoured all fallen SLAGSC War Heroes, placing floral wreaths at the SLAGSC War Heroes memorial in the RHQ Premises. Maj Gen Fareez Yusuf USP Lsc, Council Members, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeant Majors were among the attendees who laid floral wreaths at the monument.

White-clad Parents, Widows, Children and Next Of Kin of the SLAGSC War Heroes, seconds after that, followed suit and walked to the memorial in line in a moving scene as tears rolling down reflected found memories of their loved ones. Subsequent to the placing of wreaths, the event of commemoration ceremony drew to a close with sounding of the ''Retreat'' as dusk fell. 05 Officers and 69 Other Ranks of SLAGSC has made the supreme sacrifice to preserve the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our motherland.

Late in the evening a "Pirith" chanting ceremony got underway at the RHQ auditorium with the participation of Colonel Commandant, Council members, senior members of SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch, Officers and Other Ranks including relatives of fallen War Heroes. In keeping with age-old traditions Colonel Commandant invited the chief prelate to conduct the all night Pirith chanting offering the tray of betel and a tray of flowers after they were ushered to the ''Pirith Mandapaya" in a colourful perahera procession.

After successful completion of the Pirith Ceremony in the morning of Saturday 08 December 2018 '' Heela Dana" was offered to 35 buddhist priests to invoke blessings to fallen War Heroes, all serving and retired members of Sri Lanka Army General Service Crops including the civilian staff attached to the Regiment.