Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

20th August 2023 07:45:56 Hours

SLAGSC president inaugurates new Yoghurt Project at Panagoda

The Sri Lanka Army General service Corps located at panagoda inaugurated its new yoghurt production aiming to raise funds to their Seva Vanitha Branch. Project is manned under the supervision of the Army Seva Vanitha unit on Tuesday August 15 at the presence of Mrs. Himali Pussella. Major General DMKDB Pussella, Rwp Rsp, Commander of the Security Force Headquarters (West) and the Colonel Commander of the SLAGSC participated as the chief guest at this occasion.He unveil the plaque and cut the ribbon before new production facility commenced. The senior officers and all the Seva Vanitha members joined the occasion.

After the ritual process, all the invitees closely inspected the new processing plant and learnt about production of yoghurt for consumption of the troops and sale the excess to outsiders. Also during this event Mrs. Himali Pussella gracefully transferred the responsibilities of the presidency to the incoming Seva Vanitha president Mrs Himali Niyangoda beloved wife of Major General Nalinda Niyandgoda