Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

03rd October 2019 15:20:28 Hours


The SLAGSC Officers' Training Day for the 3rd quarter of 2019 was conducted at RHQ SLAGSC, Panagoda on 25 September 2019 as per the directions of Army HQ. The training programme for the day commenced with physical training parade at 0600 hrs with the participation of approximately 130 x Senior Officers/Offrs which included Legal, Accounts, Agriculture and other professional category officers of SLAGSC.

After the muster parade , all Senior Officers and Officers assembled at the RHQ Auditorium to attend to a lecture on Mental Health and Successful Family Life conducted by Mental Health Unit, Army Hosp – CBO which was received positive and encouraging comments from the audience. The next lecture on ''Attitudinal Changes for Happy Life'' was conducted by Mr. Padmasiri Gunawardane (Visiting Lecturer at University of Colombo) on the invitation extended by the Col Comdt.

The second session of the training day after lunch was commenced at 1400 hrs with a lecture on ''Power Vested to the Military Personnel by the Civil/Military Law'' conducted by Maj P G T Jayasinghe SLAGSC & Maj I G D Prageeth SLAGSC from Dte of Legal. Centre Commandant and the staff of RHQ SLAGSC under the instructions of the Colonel Commandant made the Quarterly Officers' Training Day a success.