Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps


Sri Lanka Army
General Service Corps

Service with Excellence

24th June 2023 13:01:47 Hours

Newly appointed President Assumes Duties at the SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch

Mrs Himali Pussella, the new President of the SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch assumed office at the Seva Vanitha Office at the Regimental Headquarters on Wednesday (21) morning during a brief ceremony that preceded religious observances.

Mrs Himali Pussella on arrival was received by Mrs Nilathi De Zoysa, Vice President, SLAGSC Seva Vanitha Branch, offering a bouquet of flowers.

After religious observances, she inaugurated the office after lighting the traditional oil lamp and placed her signature in an official document.

Senior members and Lady Officers who attended the occasion expressed their heartfelt greetings and wished the new President good luck with her new appointment.

She was then warmly welcomed by Mrs Thushari Abeysinghe at the lecture hall to witness a formal ceremony organized to welcome the new Seva Vanitha President. There she addressed the gathering where the memebrs were ensured to continue more welfare projects for the benefit of the Regiment.