
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

05th June 2024 18:03:16 Hours

Awareness Programme on Self-Employment by 7 SLASC

The 7 Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC) organised an awareness programme focused on self-employed small-scale businesses, specifically on manufacturing oil lamp wicks. The event, held at the 3 SLASC in Anuradhapura on 01 June 2024, featured demonstrations conducted by Mrs. Ishini Nawaratne. Participants received ingredient packs to help them start their own businesses.

In conjunction with the programme, essential dry ration packs were distributed among civil staff and selected families of Other Ranks serving at the 7 SLASC. The initiative benefited 21 civil staff members and 16 families of Other Ranks.

Mrs. Chandi Rajapaksha, Chairperson of the SLASC - Seva Vanitha Branch graced the occasion as the chief guest. The programme was launched under the supervision of Major K.M.S.N Premarathne USP Lsc, Commanding Officer of the 7 SLASC.