
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

23rd May 2024 18:53:20 Hours

SLLI Troops Listen to ‘Dhamma’ Coincident with the Vesak Day

Coincident with the ‘Vesak Poya’ Day, Sri Lanka Light Infantry - Seva Vanitha Branch (SLLI-SVB) organized a special Dhamma sermon under the guidance of Mrs. Vajira Perera, the Chairperson of SLLI-SVB at the SLLI Regimental Centre on 21 May 2024.

The Dhamma sermon was delivered by Ven Thalalle Chandakiththi Thero, Incumbent of Narada Buddist temple, in which he elaborated on maintaining psychological and biological relationships in day-to-day life.

Major General G.M.N Perera RWP RSP USP ndc, Quarter Master General and Colonel of the Regiment of SLLI, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and members of SLLI-SVB attended this meritorious Vesak event.