
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

16th May 2024 18:06:11 Hours

Sri Lanka Army Joins Hands with 306 - C 1 Lions Club International to Conserve the Bio Diversity

District 306 - C1 Lions Club International, under the leadership of its District Governor, presented a consignment of Jack and Cheesewood plants-known for their economic and biodiverse significance-to Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, and Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU). This ceremony took place yesterday (15 May 2024), at the Sri Lanka Army Seva Vanitha Office at the Army Headquarters.

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President of ASVU. Lion Panthaka Dabare, the District Governor of District 306 - C1 Lions Club International, Lioness Dilrukshi Dabare, a member of the Lion Ladies Club within District 306 - C1, and Major Thushara Samarathunga (Rtd), the Project Manager of District 306-C1 Lions Club International, along with Brigadier Coordinating of ASVU joined the programme.

During the event, members of District 306 - C1 Lions Club International handed over 2500 Jack and Mee (Cheesewood) plants to the Commander of the Army and President of the ASVU aiming to contribute to environmental conservation and economic sustainability.

Additionally, Lioness Dilrukshi Dabare from District 306 - C1 Lions Ladies Club International generously donated Rs. 0.1 million to enhance the ongoing welfare projects of the ASVU. Major Thushara Samarathunga (Rtd) Project Manager of District 306-C1 Lions Club International extended further support by donating two wheelchairs during the same occasion, specifically for the benefit of differently-abled War Heroes.

Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit, expressed deep appreciation for the valuable contributions of District 306 - C1 Lions Club International and awarded mementos to its members in recognition of their generous assistance.

In a reciprocal gesture, District 306 - C1 Lions Club International acknowledged the exemplary service of the Army Commander, and President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit, by presenting them with tokens of appreciation.

Symbolically, Jack and Mee (Cheesewood) plants were also presented to Senior Officers attended the occasion representing the 14 and 61 Infantry Divisions emphasizing the significance of environmental stewardship and collaboration in sustaining biodiversity.