
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

20th March 2024 18:31:34 Hours

ASVU Launches Donation Program for Pregnant Lady Officers and Soldiers at Army HQ

The Sri Lanka Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) at the Army HQ launched a donation program on 18 March 2024 to support 100 pregnant lady Officers and soldiers serving in the Army.

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President of ASVU, graced the event as the chief guests. The event commenced with a warm welcome extended to the chief guests by women soldiers offering sheaves of betel upon their arrival. Together, they distributed nutrient packs to the pregnant women soldiers, ensuring they received essential daily necessities and items vital for their wellbeing.

Following the distribution, a special and nutritious lunch was offered to the pregnant lady Officers and soldiers, emphasizing the Army's commitment to their wellbeing and health.

The event showcased the Commander of the Army's paternal care and dedication to the welfare of servicewomen and also highlights the pivotal role played by ASVU in uplifting and supporting the overall welfare of military personnel.

At the end of the day’s programme, the President of the ASVU joined the soldiers for a group photograph, creating lasting memories of the day.

ASVU Senior Members, Brigadier Coordinating of ASVU, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.