
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

20th March 2024 17:08:01 Hours

SLAWC-SVB Donation Programme for Deserving Individuals in Jaffna

The Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps – Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAWC-SVB) conducted a donation programme to provide spectacles and school accessories for deserving people and children in Jaffna area on 16 March 2024.

During the event, 30 school kids from Ottagappulam Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School received school accessory packs sponsored by Officers and Other Ranks of 7 SLAWC at the school premises.

Subsequently, 27 deserving elders residing in Thaiyiddi – South were provided with spectacles with sponsorship from NRS Optical Pvt Ltd in Jaffna. Mrs. Nayomi Gunarathne, the Chairperson of SLAWC, graced the event as the chief guest.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks took part in the programme.