
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

26th February 2024 15:49:45 Hours

Members of SLCMP Seva Vanitha Branch Enlighted on ‘Empowering Army Wives’

The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Branch (SLCMP – SVB) organized a guest lecture on the crucial and often overlooked "Role of Army Wives" on 23 February at Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police in Polhengoda with the participation of a large crowd.

Lieutenant Colonel E.A.A.S.C Edirisinghe SLACAL Editor-in-Chief of Ranaviruwa Magazine from Directorate of Media Psychological Operation conducted the inspiring lecture aiming to shed light on the multifaceted responsibilities, challenges, and contributions of military wives followed by an interactive session.

The lecturer, highlighted the background in military family support, various dimensions of the Army wife's role, including practical tips on managing stress, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and fostering a strong sense of community during the comprehensive lecture.

Officers, Other Ranks, members of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Branch attended the lecture.