
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

20th February 2024 17:19:42 Hours

Promoting Mental Health and Family Wellbeing

An enlightening lecture on 'Nurturing Mental Health and Family Wellbeing' took place at the Regimetnal Centre, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) on 17 February 2024, under the guidance of Major General W.P.A.D.W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu, Commander of the Security Forces - Wanni and Colonel of the Regiment SLSR, with the supervision of Mrs. Neluka Nanayakkara, Chairperson of the SLSR Seva Vanitha Branch.

The session, aimed at fostering mental wellness and strengthening family bonds, was facilitated by Major G. Hewanayaka, Staff Officer II (Psychological Operations) from the Security Forces Headquarters - Wanni. With nearly 250 participants in attendance, including Officers, Other Ranks and their spouses, the lecture provided valuable insights for maintaining optimal mental health and promoting harmonious family relationships.