
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

11th February 2024 15:26:35 Hours

Book Donation Program at Vijaya Vidyalaya, Matale

A book donation program took place at Vijaya Vidyalaya, Matale on 10 February 2024, with the primary aim of supporting the education of its students. The event was graced by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army, who attended as the chief guest, along with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President, Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU). Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage is a distinguished alumnus of Vijaya Vidyalaya.

During the programme, the Commander of the Army together with the President, ASVU and Commander, Security Force-Central distributed 100 school supplies packs to 100 needy students, sponsored by the ASVU and School Old Pupils’ Association. Moreover, financial scholarships were also awarded to 12 students studying at the school. Afterwards, the Commander of the Army donated a set of sports items to the school for the enhancement of its sports activities.

The Commander, Security Forces – Central, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks, Zonal Education Director, School Principal, Vice Principal and members of the School Old Pupils’ Association participated in the occasion.