
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

07th February 2024 15:36:56 Hours

VIR-SVB Organizes a Psychological Education Programme to VIR Troops

Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (VIR-SVB) organized an interactive psychological educational session to troops of VIR Regimental Headquarters on Wednesday (31 January 2024) under the directions of Mrs. Thushara Yatiwawala Aluvihare, Chairperson of VIR-SVB.

Accordingly, Psychologist Mrs. W.M.N.M Wijekoon, Human Resource Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Penguin Group together with Mrs. Ganga Weerasinghe, Advisory Officer of Madadumbara Divisional Secretariat, Mrs. Gayani Gunawardena, Advisory Officer of Abagamuwa Korale Divisional Secretariat and Mrs. Milani Herath, Advisory Officer of Pathadumbara Divisional Secretariat delivered educative lectures during the programme.

Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and members of VIR-SVB took part in the programme.