
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

22nd January 2024 19:45:21 Hours

ASVU Distributes 100 Dry Ration Packs among Selected Army & Civil Personnel

The Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) distributed 100 dry ration packs among Army & Civil Personnel working at Security Forces Headquarters - Wanni (SFHQ-Wanni) and its under command units on 19 January 2024 at the auditorium, SFHQ-Wanni headed by Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President ASVU.

Mrs. Neluka Nanayakkara, ASVU Senior Member warmly welcomed Mrs. Janaki Liyanage on her arrival at the location. Mrs. Janaki Liyanage afterwards distributed those relief packs among the recipients. This noble cause was made possible through the generous sponsorship of Industrial Safety Equipment (Pvt) Limited.

Towards the end of the agenda, the President of ASVU, presented a special memento to the Director of Industrial Safety Equipment (Pvt) Limited acknowledging their pivotal role in making this noble cause a reality. In reciprocation, the Commander of Security Forces - Wanni bestowed a memento upon the President of ASVU, symbolizing the significance of the event.

Major General W.P.A.D.W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu, Commander, Security Forces - Wanni, Senior Members of ASVU, Senior Officers, Officers, Staff of Industrial Safety Equipment (Pvt) Limited and Other Ranks were present at the occasion.