
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

27th November 2023 15:18:16 Hours

New ASVU Facilities in Pallekele, Now Open to Troops & Civilians

The Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) formally opened its newly-constructed ' Meals by Army Seva Vanitha Unit' (bakery and canteen) and the Army Seva Vanitha Unit Hair and Beauty Salon at Pallekele Army Hospital premises on Sunday (26 Nov).

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu graced the inauguration ceremony as the Chief Guest at the invitation of Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU.

The new facilities are open to Army personnel as well as civilians in the area at affordable price.

After a warm reception, the day's programme commenced with observance of religious rites. Subsequently, the Commander of the Army, along with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU cut a ribbon and symbolically inaugurated the new bakery and the canteen. The Army Chief along with the President ASVU, and other Senior Officers afterwards closely inspected the newly-established 'Meals by Army Seva Vanitha Unit.'

Next, the Commander of the Army, the President ASVU, and Senior Officers proceeded to the new 'Army Seva Vanitha Unit Hair and Beauty Salon,' where they inaugurated the facility by cutting a ribbon before they closely examined the amenities inside the new salon.

During the same occasion, the Army Chief took some time off to visit the 11 Infantry Division located at Pallekele, where he took part in an interactive session with the Officers and Other Ranks serving in the Division. Prior to his departure, he penned down some complimentary remarks in the visitors' book.

The General Officer Commanding of the 11 Infantry Division, 111 Infantry Brigade Commander, Director of Army Hospital Pallekele, Brigadier Coordinator of ASVU, Senior Officers, and and Other Ranks participated in the arrangements.