
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

25th November 2023 10:58:47 Hours

Diyatalawa ‘Viru Kekulu’ Kids Show Aesthetic Talents in Annual Concert

The annual variety entertainment of ‘Viru Kekulu’ pre-school kids in Diyatalava took place on Tuesday (22 November) at Diyatalawa Torch Cinema hall. Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President, of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) graced the event as the Chief Guest.

Mrs Himali Ekanayake Niyangoda, Senior ASVU Member warmly welcomed Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU on arrival there. Afterwards, the Chief Guest was welcomed by a kid offering a sheaf of betel before she and distinguished guests were invited to light the traditional oil lamp, marking the commencement of the showcase of the children's talents.

Those kids contributing vibrancy to the event delighted the audience with a series of entertaining performances, including dances, lighthearted acts, and amusing presentations, ensuring a joyful and relaxing experience for onlookers.

Afterwards, the Diyatalawa People's Bank officials donated Rs 50,000/= to the development of the Diyatalawa Viru Kekulu Preschool at the same occasion.

At the end of the session, Mrs Himali Ekanayake Niyangoda presented special mementos to Mrs. Janaki Liyanage and Bank officials.

The Commander, Security Forces- Central, Commander, Forward Maintenance Area-Central, Commandant of Sri Lanka Military Academy, Commandant of Marksmanship & Sniper Training School, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and parents of the kids witnessed the annual concert.