
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

09th November 2023 21:08:42 Hours

SLAMC - SVB Entertains Grade 5 Achievers

The Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAMC - SVB) in coordination with the Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps Regimental Centre on account of the World’s Children’s Day in heartwarming ceremony entertained 46 Grade 5 achievers of SLAMC families on Sunday (29 October)

The event was staged on a conceptual notion of Mrs. (Dr) Nilmini Fernando, Chairperson SLAMC - SVB.

The event was not nearly a recognition of their learning skills but also a celebration of childhood joy and merriment. Alongside the entertainment all students including 46 Grade 5 achievers were awarded gifts. Mrs. (Dr) Nilmini Fernando, Chairperson SLAMC - SVB, Seva Vanitha ladies, mothers of those children, Officers and Other Ranks were presented the location.