
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

26th October 2023 07:11:32 Hours

Scholarships & Educational Support Given to GW Children by GW-SVB

Four GCE (A/L) Examination achievers of Gemunu Watch (GW) families were awarded four scholarships, each worth Rs. 25,000/= on Thursday (19 October) at the GW Regimental Centre, Kuruwita following initiatives taken by the GW Seva Vanitha Branch.

Mrs. Manori Welagedara, Chairperson, Gemunu Watch Seva Vanitha Branch (GW-SVB), took the lead for the project with combined financial support received from Fonterra Private Limited and Mrs. Mumthaz, a former member of GW-SVB.

Additionally, school supplies were also donated to the students preparing for both GCE (O/L) and GCE (A/L) examinations. A special lecture on ‘Sri Lankan Civil Law and Prevention of Drugs’ was organized for both school students and the Other Ranks of the Regiment. Following these activities, a lunch gathering got underway, attended by senior members of the GW-SVB, Senior Officers, Officers, and Other Ranks.