
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

12th October 2023 23:41:15 Hours

More Educational Support to Army Families Given on Account of Army Day

Coincident with the 74th Army Anniversary, an initiative aimed at providing educational assistance to students of Army families was launched on Wednesday (11 October) by the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU).

This project distributed 122 gift packs containing school equipment and educational accessories to students in a simple ceremony, headed by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest at the invitation of Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU.

Students of those serving Army personnel and civil staff were among the beneficiaries. Two children offered sheaves of betel and welcomed the day’s Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage with Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU upon their arrival at the premises.

Lighting of the traditional oil lamp and recital of the ASVU theme song kicked off the brief ceremony after a two-minute silence that saluted the memory of fallen War Heroes. In addition, selected beneficiaries received Children's Bank Savings account from Bank of Ceylon at the same occasion.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Sri Lanka Army Service Corps Seva Vanitha Branch Mrs. Thushari Wanigasekara received a dividend cheque in lieu of their projects and two yoghurt sealers as incentives.

Additionally, a generous cash donation of Rs 200,000/= was presented to a Sergeant Major of the Sri Lanka Army Service Corps in support of his construction of a sanitary facility, needed very much for his child with special needs.

Towards the end, a beneficiary raised the vote of thanks and expressed gratitude to the ASVU for the incentives.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Master General Ordnance, Quarter Master General, Military Secretary, Several Senior Officers, Chairpersons of Regimental Seva Vanitha Branches, Senior members of ASVU, Officers, ASVU Staff and Other Ranks attended the distribution ceremony.