
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

05th September 2023 23:51:04 Hours

ASVU President Gives Away More Relief Packs for Army Members

The Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) extending its welfare scope further went to Panagoda on Monday (4 September) and distributed 100 dry ration packs among married Army personnel living in Colombo region in an attempt to help alleviate their economic hardships.

To be in line with the conceptual notion of Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President ASVU as the Chief Guest for the occasion distributed those relief packs at the Army Physical Training School at Panagoda.

The day's proceedings commenced with the lighting of the oil lamp, followed by the recitation of the Seva Vanitha song. A video documentary was screened showcasing Seva Vanitha roles.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by an Army officer. Major General U. D. Wijesekera RWP RSP USP rcds psc, Commander of Security Forces-West, senior members of ASVU, Senior Officers, officers, and Other Ranks participated in the event.