
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

29th August 2023 18:16:46 Hours

ASVU Gives More Educational Incentives and Medical Aids

The Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) at the Army HQ launched one more welfare project for the benefit of children of deserving Army and Civil personnel serving the Army HQ on Monday (28 August) at the Army HQ, headed by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest. This welfare project was arranged on a suggestion made by Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU.

Both the Commander of the Army and the ASVU President joined in the distribution of the incentives to the children of Army families and medical aids.

During the arrangement, a daughter of a civil employee who is pursuing her higher studies at the University of Kelaniya was awarded a tablet computer, stimulating her to continue her educational pursuits unhindered, utilizing the digital tools necessary for an enriched learning experience.

Similarly, the university undergraduate son of a medically-boarded out war veteran of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment who had sustained permanent injuries was also awarded a laptop computer to continue with his higher education at the University of Kelaniya during the same ceremony.

Meanwhile, a retired civil employee who had undergone a leg amputation due to diabetes received an artificial limb in view of his financial difficulties. He had served the Directorate of Budget and Finance for 19 years before he lost one of his legs.

Brigadier S.C Ekanayake RSP, Director, Directorate of Rehabilitation, Brigadier N Mahawithana KSP, Brigadier Coordinating at ASVU, senior members of the ASVU, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks also participated in the event.