
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

05th August 2023 07:01:57 Hours

Army Seva Vanitha New Website Launched at Army HQ

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, together with Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) launched the newly-designed Army 'Seva Vanitha' website (www.army.lk /sevavanitha/) this afternoon (04 Aug) at the Army HQ during a simple ceremony.

At the request of Mrs Janaki Liyanage, the Army's Directorate of Media following guidelines given by Brigadier I.H.M.R.K Herath USP ndc psc, Director Media and Colonel A.M.D.B Adikari RWP RSP psc, Colonel Media with active support of software engineers and technical staff of the Directorate of IT designed the new website with no cost to the Army under the supervision of Brigadier G.L.S.W Liyanage USP psc, Director, Directorate of IT.

The new website, replete with all required information consists of photo stories, welfare projects, Seva Vanitha Highlights, 'Viru Kekulu' activities, etc.

Major General M.G.W.W.W.M.C.B Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, Director General General Staff (DGGS) of the Army, Brigadier I.H.M.R.K Herath USP ndc psc, Director Media, Brigadier N Mahavithana KSV, Brigadier Coordinating of ASVU, Colonel A.M.D.B Adikari RWP RSP psc, Colonel Media, Senior Officers, Officers, Chairpersons and Senior ASVU Members of branches and Other Ranks were associated with the day's event.