
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

08th March 2022 17:26:53 Hours

SLAGSC-SVU During AGM Distributes Gift Packs to Civil Staffers

The Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps - Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) was held on 08th January 2022 at the RHQ SLAGSC with the participation of many spouses of the SLAGSC Officers.

The new office for the SVU was declared open by the SLAGSC-SVU, Chairperson, Mrs. Eranga Hewawasam who graced the occasion as the chief guest. The meeting commenced its proceedings with the lighting of traditional oil lamp & subsequently, a 2-minute silence was observed in remembrance of fallen War Heroes.

The election of new office bearers and executive committee members for the year 2022 took place afterwards and award of ration packs for the civil staff, scholarships for children and crutches (walking aids) to Other Ranks with family members with special needs and those who are in need of those accessories. The event was made more exciting & useful with the interaction session conducted by Mrs. Marina Perera and Rozzen Dias. The event was sponsored by British Cosmetics (pvt) Ltd.