
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

17th May 2022 08:13:47 Hours

SLCMP Seva Vanitha Members Throw Lunch to Orphaned Children

6 Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) troops with sponsorship of the Seva Vanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police distributed gift packs among needy children, housed at Ladani Children's Home in Silawatta area in Mullaittivu on Tuesday (3).

Major General Anil Ilangakoon, Commander, Forward Maintenance Area in Mullaittivu and Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka SLCMP and Mrs Inoka Ilangakoon, Chairperson, SLCMP- Seva Vanitha Unit attended the occasion.

The event was initiated under the guidance and sponsorship of Mrs Inoka Ilangakoon. The event concluded with a delicious lunch offered to those children. A group photograph added memories to the occasion. Several Officers and Other Ranks participated in the project.