
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

24th April 2023 19:09:17 Hours

6 SLCMP with SVB Ladies Help SLCMP families for New Year

A joint project of the 6 Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) troops and the SLCMP Seva Vanitha Branch (SLCMP-SVB) on account of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year gave away dry ration packs and fruit baskets to ailing family members, Officers, Other Ranks and civil employees and to the patients at Colombo Army Hospital, Narahenpita on 8 April 2023.

Major General A.L Illangakoon, Colonel Commandant of SLCMP and Commander, Forward Maintenance Area - Mullaittivu, together with Mrs. Inoka Illangakoon, Chairperson, SLCMP-SVB, Brigadier A. M. R Abeysinghe, Centre Commandant, Regimental Centre - SLCMP, Commanding Officer, 6 SLCMP, Officers and Other Ranks joined the event at SLCMP Officers’ Mess.

A group of SLCMP Seva Vanitha Branch ladies also joined the event.