
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

12th October 2022 16:26:37 Hours

SLEME-SVB Gives Gift Vouchers to Army Families

The Sri Lanka Electrical & Mechanical Engineers – Seva Vanitha Branch (SLEME-SVB) expanding its welfare projects further launched a livelihood assistance programme for the benefit of family members of Officers and Other Ranks, serving the 2 (V) SLEME at Diyatalawa on 25 September 2022.

Mrs Nandani Samarakoon, Chairperson, SLEME-SVB, together with Major General Indu Samarakoon, Colonel Commandant, SLEME and Commander Logistics Headquarters during this programme gave away gift vouchers to 25 selected families of Officers and Other Ranks in the 2 (V) SLEME HQ at Diyatalawa. The total value of the project exceeded Rs 250,000/= and those gift vouchers would facilitate the purchase of essentials at leading super markets and groceries, drapery stores, etc. The event was attended by several Senior Officers and members of the SLEME-SVB.