
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

14th November 2022 21:09:51 Hours

SLEME Seva Vanitha Ladies Speak to Handicapped War Heores at Kamburupitiya

The Chairperson of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Seva Vanitha Branch (SLEME-SVB), Mrs Nandani Samarakoon in order to find the well-being of differently able war heroes residing at the Abimansala - 2 Wellness Resort Center in Kamburupitiya on 28 October 2022.

With the patronage given by the SLEME Base Workshop, the Chairperson during the visit gifted each differently able war hero a parcel with confectionaries, beverages and day today essentials. In addition, a stock of raw materials, needed for producing handcraft creations during leisure was also given to them at the same occasion.

Major General Indu Samarakoon, the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineering along with SVB ladies and several Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks took part in the programme.