
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

21st March 2022 20:17:03 Hours

Medical Corps SVU Distributes Cash Scholarships

The Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps-Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAMC-SVU), used to award 10 financial scholarships, each worth Rs 50,000/= to the students of SLAMC families who qualify to enter universities, had its distribution ceremony recently at the Colombo Army Hospital auditorium.

During this special scholarship donation, Dr Mrs Nilmini Fernando, Medical Consultant, Chairperson, SLAMC-SVU, together with Brigadier Chrishantha Fernando, Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps gave away those incentives after inviting those 10 beneficiaries to the occasion.

During the same occasion, 17 girls and boys of the SLEME family also received scholarships that have been granted from the Army Seva Vanitha Unit, presided by Mrs Sujeewa Nelson.

Aesthetic features added colour to the occasion. Seva Vanitha members and staff officers were present during the occasion.