
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

24th June 2022 10:34:47 Hours

SLASC Seva Vanitha Ladies Elect Office-Bearers for Year 2022-2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Army Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit (SLASC-SVU) got underway on 4th June at the SLASC Regimental Centre Conference Hall in Panagoda with the participation of a record 80 Seva Vanitha ladies.

Accordingly, Mrs Thushari Wasana Wanigasekera, SLASC-SVU presided the Annual General Meeting which honoured the memory of fallen SLASC War Heroes after observing a two-minute silence at the beginning of the programme . After the welcome speech delivered by the Secretary of the Sri Lanka Army Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit, the Chairperson addressed the gathering and set out her vision for future welfare projects in the comin year and reviewed the projects in the previous year.

Afterwards, the election of new office-bearers was also done amidst best wishes. Members also expressed their views and appreciated the projects of the Unit in the year, just ended. Soon after the AGM session, Lieutenant Colonel Sujith Edirisinghe delivered a motivation lecture for the ladies those who attended at the Annual General Meeting and touched on the subject of home-gardening too.

Cultural feats and other entertaining features coloured the evening afterwards where all unit chairpersons were also present. Major General Hirosha Wanigasekera, Colonel Commandant, SLASC and Master General Ordnance attended the occasion as a special invitee.