
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

19th July 2023 09:36:04 Hours

SLAWC-Seva Vanitha Offers Lunch Treat to Adults

The Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps Seva Vanitha Branch (SLAWC-SVB) offered a lunch treat to the resident adults at ‘Sarana’ Elders’ Home in Sandunpura on Tuesday (11 July).

The project also made a donation of essential items to the Elders’ Home. After the lunch, all residents were entertained to a music programme, provided by the Army calypso team.

This Programme was organized and initiated by all ranks of 3 Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps (3 SLAWC) under the supervision of Major H. De Silva, the Commanding Officer of 3 SLAWC. Mrs. Shyamali Wijesekera, Chairperson, SLAWC-SVB gave necessary guidelines and attended the occasion.

The occasion was graced by the Chairperson, SLAWC-SVU, Mrs. Shyamali Wjesekera. The Commanding Officer of 3 SLAWC along with All Ranks of the battalion participated in the event.