
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

20th November 2022 12:58:22 Hours

MIR-SVB Ladies Meet War Heroes at Wellness Resort

The Chairperson of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (MIR-SVB) Mrs Dhanusha Weerasuriya visited the 'Mihindu Seth Medura in Aththidiya on 12th November 2022 with the intention of looking into the well-being of those differently able War Heroes currently residing there.

The Secretary of the MIR-SVB, Mrs Swarnamaali Ekanayake, Deputy Commandant of the MIR Regimental Center, Senior Officers of the Regimental Center, Several senior members of the Seva Vanitha Branch joined the visit. Gift parcels were also distributed among those War Heroes.