
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

24th February 2023 11:24:32 Hours

VIR Seva Vanitha Ladies Give Essentials to School Students

The students of the Sri Sucharitha Dharmma School in Katuwapathwewa Bodhirukkaaramaya temple received essential school items, accessories and classroom equipment from the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (VIR-SVB) in Boyagane, Kurunegala on 12th February 2023.

Mrs Kumudu Manage, Chairperson, VIR-SVB as the chief guest attended the distributing ceremony where 154 needy students received essential school accessories, worth more than Rs 300,000/- inclusive of stationeries, classroom equipment and an expensive bookshelf for the forthcoming school term.

The event was conducted under the close supervision and guidance of the Director General General Staff of the Sri Lanka Army Headquarters and Colonel of the Regiment of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Major General Nishantha Manage. Beneficiaries were also provided refreshments at the same occasion by Seva Vanitha ladies.

Major General Nishantha Manage, Colonel of the Regiment VIR, Brigadier Prabath Kodituwakku, Center Commandant and all other Senior Officers of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment were associated with the occasion.